Gail Appleson

Gail Appleson

After a career in journalism that took her from Memphis, Tennessee, to New York, New York, and finally to St. Louis, Missouri, Gail Appleson wanted to use her skills to help the hospital that had cared for her mother. The award-winning legal and medical journalist took a job as senior writer at The Foundation for Barnes-Jewish Hospital.

“I have the great privilege of sharing the unforgettable stories of grateful patients and their families who are inspired to give back,” Gail says. “Their journeys are those of incredible courage and love. These stories often bring tears to my eyes and give me strength and faith in the goodness of humankind.”

One patient’s story drove Gail to action. A lung transplant recipient told Gail about his many visits to Barnes-Jewish Hospital waiting rooms where he saw others who were in more difficult situations. Some were alone and had traveled long distances from their homes to get treatments, and many were struggling to pay their expenses.

Although he was not a wealthy man, he told Gail he felt lucky. He was with a woman who loved him, they had a roof over their heads and food on the table. He wanted to make a difference, so he decided to make a gift in his will to the Foundation to help patients with lodging, food and other costs.

“It struck a chord with me because I, too, am thankful. I have a type of blood cancer that’s manageable with an oral chemo drug,” Gail says. “I lead a normal life, drive just a few miles to The Alvin J. Siteman Cancer Center and get to go home to a fiancé who loves me.”

Motivated by the transplant patient, she made the Foundation a beneficiary of a life insurance policy and a retirement plan to ease the burden on other patients in more challenging circumstances. “As this inspirational gentleman had told me, knowing you can help even one other person means so very much.”

You can ensure Barnes-Jewish Hospital continues to provide exceptional, world-class healthcare to those in our communities and beyond when you include a gift to the Foundation in your estate plan.